Our lockbox solution significantly reduces exceptions when checks arrive alone and without billing paperwork enclosed. We use a highly effective automation process to match the limited information that does arrive on a check alone to be matched with historic billing information in order make automated posting decisions that save significant research labor by each client.
Product Details
Lockbox payments are sent to our managed P.O. box where they are immediately scanned and cross-referenced with billing data from document processing. Payments that would ordinarily be handled as exceptions are processed and included in the day’s payment batch because of the integration with billing data.

Management Portal
The Lockbox management portal allows users to review individual payments to decision any exceptions that may have been generated due to missing identifying data. Exceptions can be minimized (and therefore lockbox costs reduced) due to a powerful connection from the billing data that automatically matches payments made without coupons to the appropriate account based on the payment data that’s cross-referenced with the raw billing data.

The InsureLinq® Advantage
With InsureLinq®, MPX offers you a strategic business advantage against the issues facing Property & Casualty carriers.
We deliver unparalleled service, are backed by a legacy of experience and driven by a team of creative innovators, plus provide a simple pricing model structured according to your business needs.