Letter Correspondence

HealthLinq® makes it easy to design, print, and mail member letters, coverage mailings, covered drug announcements, overpayment notices, PCP notices, or any other typical member or provider correspondence. Our interactive tool’s real-time, self-service template design manager gives you complete flexibility while maintaining branding and compliance controls.


Product Details

Full-color designs, including highly regulated templates and member-friendly designs. Dynamic packages that select between #10, 6×9, and 9×12 envelopes allow for more communication to reach the member or provider using the most cost-effective method.


Response & Production

Experience real-time design changes and quick service via a dedicated support team. We accommodate time-sensitive letters with same-day SLAs and file approvals as late as 8PM ET, as well as can achieve complete SLA production redundancy.


The HealthLinq® Portal


Rendering Engine

Includes document composition, rendering, and design expertise. Build custom communication from scratch, or clone or modify existing documents and templates.


Command Center

Comprehensive set of staff tools overseen by a dedicated project manager to run your plans— including mail dates, compliance requirements, and work-in-progress oversight. All audited, automated, and with a one-day Service-Level-Agreement (SLA).


Template Design Tools

Self-serve, templated design modifications on the fly for ongoing program mailings such as data-driven ID cards or letters. Ad hoc mailing tool to initiate one-time mailings in a brand-controlled environment and variable content flexibility.


Virtual Mailroom

Single, unified interface to manage inbound mail, undeliverable returned mail, inbound health claims and payments, and all outbound one-to-one correspondence. Outbound mailings are batched and mailed daily, becoming a searchable document in the portal.

Why MPX?


As technology advances, so do our offerings. We are committed to investing in only the most cutting-edge back-end components to help our solutions platform—and your business—run smoothly.


Our agile team is able to quickly adapt not only to your individual business needs, but also to the unique needs of your customers. We are not a one-size-fits-all solution and will continue to evolve alongside you.


The protection of client information is our number one priority. We undergo rigorous security testing and continuous employee training, as well as adhere to all data security requirements. We are SOC, HIPAA, HITRUST, and PCI compliant. 


From initial consultation to implementation and beyond, we have your back. You’ll have access to an experienced team that strives to provide only the highest level of customer service and satisfaction.

The HealthLinq® Advantage

With HealthLinq®, MPX offers you a strategic business advantage to set you apart from your competition.

We deliver unparalleled service, are backed by a legacy of experience and driven by a team of creative innovators, plus provide a simple pricing model structured according to your business needs.

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