HealthLinq® makes it easy to design, commercially print, and mail presale kits, welcome kits, broker kits, Evidence of Coverage (EOC), Provider Directories / Formularies, and Medicare Annual Notices of Change (ANOC).
Product Details
From full-color commercial print to the quick turn flexibility of digital imaging, your materials can be produced and fulfilled from one source. We also support various binding and cover types to fit your needs. Fulfillment of materials includes both outbound mailing for items such as surveys, member materials, program documentation as well as inbound response management.

Ordering & Response
Our self-service HealthLinq® portal makes it simple to place kit orders from a “store front”. Experience real-time design changes on templated items and quick service via a dedicated support team. Fulfillment responses from items such as surveys and forms can be digitally captured in the Virtual Mailroom and categorized for the appropriate user with the next action.

The HealthLinq® Portal
Rendering Engine
Includes document composition, rendering, and design expertise. Build custom communication from scratch, or clone or modify existing documents and templates.

Command Center
Comprehensive set of staff tools overseen by a dedicated project manager to run your plans— including mail dates, compliance requirements, and work-in-progress oversight. All audited, automated, and with a one-day Service-Level-Agreement (SLA).

Template Design Tools
Self-serve, templated design modifications on the fly for ongoing program mailings such as data-driven ID cards or letters. Ad hoc mailing tool to initiate one-time mailings in a brand-controlled environment and variable content flexibility.

Virtual Mailroom
Single, unified interface to manage inbound mail, undeliverable returned mail, inbound health claims and payments, and all outbound one-to-one correspondence. Outbound mailings are batched and mailed daily, becoming a searchable document in the portal.

The HealthLinq® Advantage
With HealthLinq®, MPX offers you a strategic business advantage to set you apart from your competition.
We deliver unparalleled service, are backed by a legacy of experience and driven by a team of creative innovators, plus provide a simple pricing model structured according to your business needs.