More answers. Less frustration.
It’s a simple formula for member satisfaction and employee retention that’s exceedingly difficult to deliver.
In an age where Amazon has set the standard for convenience and self-serve freedom, health insurance providers and TPA’s have to up their games. That means organizing the mass of information for your individual plans and making that information easily accessible for members when they want it.
“Is my wife’s mammogram covered?”
“Why did insurance only pay so much?”
“How much more do I have to pay until I hit my deductible?
“What about my family deductible?”
If your members can’t find answers to these questions on their statement, they immediately get frustrated. If they actually kept the Explanation of Benefits document you sent them in the mail, their patience is further tested by the volume of information that’s more focused on compliance than the member’s experience.
When members seek answers from your website, they may roll their eyes at having to create yet another online user name and password. If they can’t find the answers to their questions on your website, they’ll become even more frustrated at the mere thought of having to take the time to call your customer service team. By the time they pick up the phone to call the number on the back of their ID card, they’re irritated and wondering why things can’t be easier.
From the moment your member services staff takes their calls, they are immediately at a disadvantage. You’ve trained them to answer in a calm, professional voice and to maintain a positive attitude but if they can’t find the answers to your members questions without placing them on hold, their uphill battle becomes infinitely more challenging. Your service staff want to do right by your members. How are you making it easier for them to calm your members’ frustration while helping them avoid job dissatisfaction?
Your members and staff want the same thing – the peace of mind that comes from ready access to information that’s easy to understand.
Delivering this simple concept requires the complicated synchronization of a lot of moving parts for each plan so that their unique care, eligibility, rates and coverage information is easily accessible for members and staff. It also requires correctly timed correspondence for both paper and paperless members.
At MPX, we have the expertise, infrastructure and flexibility to help you deliver what your members and staff want. Here are examples of what we deliver for our TPAs and health plans in paper and paperless executions:
Let us show you how our fulfillment engine can power you to new levels of accessibility, accuracy, security and efficiency. We’ll be at your and their side every step of the way.